Mighty Men
4 - 6 Apr
Mighty Men
3 - 5 Oct

Men can have..

We're inviting all men to come spend a weekend in the country
camping on a property, heaps of good food, loads of great mates & it's all free
Men will be open & authentic, we'll talk honestly about the challenges men face,
Something powerful happens when we're willing to get real with God

Men can be ..
Forgiven & set free
Filled with faith & courage
Standing shoulder to shoulder
Completely surrendering to Jesus
Really believing & obeying God's Word
Exposing lies & reinforcing truth
Overcoming struggles
Taking hold of the freedom Jesus won for us
That's when we can ..
Have genuine hope for the future
Know God's purpose for our lives
Have loving marriages & strong families
Impact the world around us
No more excuses,
It's time to become the men we were created to be

So no matter what your story has been up to now,
.. whether you're just asking questions about knowing Jesus
.. or you're strong in your faith & wanting to be equipped to be effective in God's kingdom,
this weekend is for you, it can be the start of significant change.
There are blokes coming from everywhere, so you'll fit right in.
I want to personally invite you to come, bring your brothers, bring your sons (14+), bring a truckload of mates, it's all free.
This year we're having 2 weekends
Riverina Mighty Men
will be held at Yerong Creek,
between Wagga & Albury,
on 4 - 6 Apr 2025
Inverell Mighty Men
will be held at Mt Stirling,
just outside Inverell,
on 3-5 Oct 2025

What blokes from last year said ..
"Inspirational weekend, really changed my life”
“Awesome preaching, very passionate .. the talks were spot on biblical”
"I loved it, it wasn't any one church, it was all Jesus"
"Can't believe how open & real men where sharing their life stories"
“I've never felt so alive and hungry for my faith.”
“Solid preaching & testimonies, messages were so relevant and impacting, spoken with power & conviction”
“I have fresh inspiration and vision for reaching other mates"
“The Cross was, and as it should be, the central theme, I nailed my struggles to the cross, literally and spiritually.”
“I fully committed my life and surrendered my will to Jesus Christ my Lord"
Fathers & sons ..
“Seeing my sons have a positive experience at Mighty Men was special. We travelled a long way and it was totally worthwhile."
“I wish I'd taken my sons to Mighty Men before now.”
Marriages ..
“Reinforcing how much God loves us and our marriage strengthened my love and relationship with my wife.”

Our great friend Angus Buchan will send us a welcome from South Africa.
You'll relate to our speakers, Allan Meyer & Danny Everingham
We'll hear clearly from God’s Word, we'll look at the life & sacrifice of Jesus & how it changes our lives today, we'll talk about the real challenges men face, you'll be encouraged & built up
You'll hear everyday guys sharing their life stories ..... and we'll have a great band.
Come for the weekend,
bring a truckload of mates, it's all free!
Basic rundown
4 pm ... Arrive & set up camp
5 pm ... We’ll enjoy dinner together
6 pm ... Then we'll meet in the open under the setting sky, we have a full outdoor stage setup.
Over the weekend:
We'll enjoy good country food & heaps of laughs
We'll have plenty of time to spend with mates,
There'll be 4 main sessions, where we'll get real with God,
We'll finish on Sunday morning with a big family gathering
Sunday morning is for everyone
Invite your families & friends to join us from 9:30 - 11:00am
(no tickets required for Sunday)
The whole weekend is free, we want everyone to come,
book your ticket now to save your spot.
This is a great opportunity to invite your sons, neighbours, mates
If you're part of a men's group, bring them all, feel free to email us
the most important part of these weekend's is prayer. We have people who will be praying leading up to the weekend, some on site, some over zoom, some via whatsapp, if you'd like to be a part of this please email us
If you're willing to help out in a practical way during the weekend please email us